Welcome to the super saiyan battle or super saiyan fighting adventure games to take part in the immortal superhero fighting battle arena in the city streets.super saiyan battle amusement and discover winged serpent ball super by battling alternate saiyans with astounding ongoing interaction mode,super saiyan warrior.this fanmade diversion play as the contender against foes. in this diversion you battle all revived old foes and . There are change of mythical beast saints warrior ' you can go super saiyan Z .. the diversion is a battling amusement in a competition of intensity in the dragon world.Change to super saiyan battle , You'll play as songoku mythical beast Z in super saiyan fight.known to mankind, there is a Super saiyen hero (known as super monster) who has turned out to be Amazing warrior, his from another planet like "Earth"! We're looking at making up the narrative of the amazing warrior battle!Use dragon power ups in the saiyan shadow battle tag team combat. You are city fighters’ savior and don’t forget your dragon baall fighters’ friends in arena battle. You got special training from flash hero warrior in the futuristic shadow battle. Rush fight for intense battle in the combat streets and fight like a superhero fighting games. This game would give you the exact feeling of more powerful because you get to control super saiyan and make him perform moves the way you want . Being the fan of saiyan battle game the dragon heroes of the world legend shadw fight, you should install.更多