If you love matching colorful objects then this is the game for you.The Ring Matcher is a vibrant game that has rings of different sizes.The player has to arrange the appearing rings in a manner that the match vertically, horizontally or diagonally. If the rings match with the same color then they get destroyed and you get a point!The more matches you get the higher you score. The player can choose to dump the useless rings into the bin.The game ends when there is no more space left in the dustbin.This is a version of the falling bricks game albeit with a twist! All those who love those candies being crushed and the bricks falling perfectly, will love this gameFEATURES:– The player can keep track of his achievements and get a place on the leader board.– Ads can be removed using In-app purchasing.– Earn points every time a line gets destroyed.– The Ring Matcher is a highly satisfying and innovative game that is not as easy as it looks.– It is a confusing yet interesting game.Players are addicted to this game because of its simplicity and its colorful design.Download the game and spend hours destroying colorful rings!更多