Wubba Lubba Dub DubRick and Morty Quizis a fan-madetriviagame for real fans of the show! Pick your favorite character as your avatar and play a heads up or single player game. There are thousands of questions that will test your multiple choice answering skills, with more added every day!Categories:- All (general questions)- Characters- Quotes- Season 1- Season 2- Season 3Features:- 12 avatars to choose from- Heads Up 1v1, Survival and Normal game modes- Questions about every season and all characters- Over 1,000+ total questions with more added every day!- Suggest your own questions- Keep track of your stats- Easily remove ads for a low price- Tablet support- Completely free!The best Rick and Morty quiz/trivia game around!Time to getRiggity Riggity Wrecked Son!更多