The Commander Boss Machine Addon implements a new boss to the game as well as some other additional mobs and items. The boss entity is extremely powerful, so make sure that you have powerful weapons, plenty of food and a strong armor before fighting it. Just like the Command Block, this mob has abilities such as summoning entities, projectiles and even teleport.The Commander Boss Machine spawns in the Overworld as it replaces the Creeper. You can also spawn it manually by using the Creeper Spawn Egg.The boss has several different attacks which it will use as attempts to kill its target(s). It can spawn entities, teleport and a whole bunch of things (see more info further down).Also the Pig has been replaced by an Explosive Pig which wears a block of TNT on its back. The Explosive Pig is hostile toward players and will explode upon contact.There are more features to be explored with this add-on. Check out the features list further down!FeaturesMobsCommander Boss MachineReplaces CreeperSummons lighting bolt sometimesSummons projectiles (arrows, fireballs and chemical projectiles)Summons entities (zombies, husks, wither skeletons and exploding pigs)Teleports sometimesMelee attacks sometimesHealth: 1000Automatically charged once spawnedCreeper egg is replaced by a command block (looking egg)Explosive PigReplaces PigCharges toward players and explode on contactZombie Pigman18 HeartsHas effects the same as the effects of command swordStrongerMutant SilverfishReplaces silverfish8 HeartsCauses fatal poison to playerLarger in sizeCommandborgReplaces vex5 heartsHas almost the same behavior as the normal vexCommandbotReplaces spider8 heartsBecomes lightning bolt when it gets more damagesRed CommandbotReplaces cave spider8 heartsExplodes when it gets more damage.Command EggSummons either Commandbot or Red CommandbotWeapons / ItemsCommand SwordThis item will help the player to fight the boss and its entitiesIncreases players speedDoubles the player’s healthCauses effects (absorption, strength, resistance, fire resistance, jump boost)Disclaimer:NOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG.In accordance with更多