Tap to switch rotation direction of the circle to avoid erous obstacles. Any contact with spikes, lasers, blades or blocks is fatal for the circle. Only the most skilled players will be able to reach the end. Fast reflexes, accuracy and spatial thinking is required.⚡ Each rotation switch costs 1 charge. The more charges you save, the more points you get. Total score defines your position in daily, weekly and all-time leaderboards. Compete with your friends and other players. Despite the simple one-tap gameplay, the game is very dynamic and hard to master.⏳ You can use slow-motion power-ups to get through tricky spots. During this journey you are accompanied by an awesome original synthwave soundtrack.Supports Google Play Games Services:✔ Leaderboards.✔ Achievements. For each unlocked achievement you also get a newskinfor the circle or acolor themeas a reward.✔ Cloud Saves. Sync your progress across multiple devices.SupportFor any suggestions or to report bugs, please contact ibragames.com@gmail.comFollow me on social media:➤ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Ibragames-204437916863595➤ Twitter - https://twitter.com/playibragames➤ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/playibragames/更多