One Piece Craft Mod (Mine Mine No Mi)One Piece Craft Mod combines the Anime One Piece and Minecraft. This mod adds weapons, food and other stuff from the One Piece.Features:ItemsCherry Tree SaplingCherry Tree WoodCherry Tree PlanksCherry Tree LeavesAdam Tree WoodAdam Tree PlanksAdam Tree LeavesKairoseki OreKairoseki GemKairoseki BlockKairoseki BarsSteel OreDark Steel OreSteel CubeDark Steel CubeSteel IngotDark Steel IngotDark Steel NuggetWado Ichimonji SwordSandai Kitetsu SwordShusui SwordMihawk’s Yoru SwordArlong’s Kiribachi SwordSmoker’s Jitte SwordBrook’s Soul Solid SwordCrocodile’s HookLaw’s SwordIncomplete Clima-TactClima-TactUsopp’s KabutoUsopp’s Kabuto BlackSmall RockFlintlock GunSenriku RifleBazookaFlintlock AmmoSenriku AmmoBazooka AmmoCutlassWater/Lava/Fire/Impact/Thunder DialLuffy’s/Usopp’s/Zoro’s/Sanji’s/Marine/Pirate clothesShip BuilderAce’s StrikerSailboatDevil Fruit Power RemoverOP Music DiskSnailSake DrinkGuide BookHeartBisentoDevil FruitsDevil Fruits (Not all powers are demonstrated).How to install:Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.Locate the minecraft application folder.On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.更多