Once upon a time, there was a _____ _____. Which words will you add?Words at a Time (WaaT) is a fun multiplayer story writing game that allows family, friends, and players from around the world to work together to create a fascinating stories.When a player takes a turn, they simply add a few words at a time to the end of the story. Eventually an epic tale is created with little effort. Stories can be completed in a few days, weeks, or even years! You can either createprivate or public stories. Private stories are only for your friends and family, and public stories are for anyone to join and see. Stories can be inmany languages and genres. Educational: It can help youlearn another languageand improve your vocabulary!Chat with other authorsto discuss the story. Split sentences by paragraphs and chapters, tocreate structurein your story. We use complex methods of moderation toprevent trolls, abuse, spam, etc., to keep stories clean and well structured. Suggest ideas, and vote on features @https://ideas.waat.fun Chat with us and other players on the WaaT Discord Server @https://discord.gg/uybBTMF You can play on the web with your account @https://waat.fun/更多