Learn Spanish Espanol For Beginners 9000 word Freeyou want to learn spanish espagnol reading and writing from scratch freely and easily this is your opportunity.learn the spanish (espagnol) fast and fun with our new learning interactive application coded by a native spanish speacker and teacher.even newbis or beginners find it easy and fun to learn the correct spanish langage.in this application we will offer you the following categoriesanimals names and sounds in Spanishlearn animals names and sounds and Spanish.this is (learn Spanish (español) free) the most complete learning application created by a native Spanish speaker to peoplesand kids who want to learn the Spanish vocabilary and Spanish animals names,animals soundspatternes and shapes countaine more than 9000 animals names and sound in Spanish.all animals names has HD image and Hd MP3 sound to learn the right prononciation.in this learning alphabet,animals names and sounds there is 9 categories so its the most complete1)the first categorie in this learning application is learn to readwe will show you all spanish alphabet letteres and their right pronociation from A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y to Z2)in this categorie also you will find the phonics countain some animals and object names and prononciation3)the 3rd categorie countain animals names and sounds you should to click on animal to play the sound4)the 4 categorie learn to write categorie we will show you the correct way to write eache letter by putting 2 HD image 1 st one to show you how to write and the 2sd to practice on5)the 5th categorie is the shapes and patterne categories you will connect a list of dots than each time you will learn a shapes6) the 6th and the 7th categorie in this learnin app is the puzzel of alphabet to practice more than to test your knowledgeso finally you will learn Spanish (español) vocabulary更多