WIPJam is the go-to event at Mobile World Congress for Developers with our famous UnPanels, Speed dates, Storytelling sessions and much more! In this app, find recommendations for all the must-see events and parties in Barcelona, the latest buzz and hot topics around MWC, as well as up-to-date videos, pictures, discussion and content all geared towards mobile developers! We even have a tip calculator for you to use during your time in Barcelona! WIPJam是在移动通信世界大会上,开发人员我们著名的UnPanels,速度日期,故事会更去到的事件! 在这个程序中,建议所有必看的事件和当事人在巴塞罗那的最新动态更新和热点话题的MWC,以及最新的视频,图片,讨论和面向移动开发者的内容! 我们甚至有一个小费计算器,您可以使用在你的时间,在巴塞罗那! 更多