Ganesh / ganapati Live wallpaper Ganapati Bappa Morya Lord Ganesha is a very popular god of Hindus. Hindu tradition states that Ganesha is a god of wisdom, success, knowledge and good luck. Also, intellect and eradicator of obstacles. He is also giver of different types of favours. The Hindu tradition calls Ganesha as the Vighneshvara. in Sanskrit language means one who is the lord of obstacles or difficulties. Lord Ganesha is the child of lord Shiva and goddess Parvati. He is the elder brother of lord Kartikay (Skanda/ Murugana). Ganesha is the most extensively worshipped god in Hindu way of life. You Can use features by changing settings. Feature: ----Slideshow of ganapati wallpapers. Adjust margin from top. Adjust speed of slideshow, 甚/即时ganapati的壁纸 Ganapati Bappa Morya 主象头神是一个非常受欢迎的印度教徒神。印度教传统中指出,象头神是神的智慧,成功的知识和良好的运气。此外,智慧和去污剂的障碍。他也是有利于不同类型的送礼者。印度教传统中调用象头神作为Vighneshvara。在梵文语言的“Vighneshvara”是指谁是主人的障碍或困难。主象头神是湿婆神和女神帕尔瓦蒂的孩子。他的胞兄:主Kartikay(韦驮/ Murugana)。象头神是最广泛的敬拜神在印度教的生活方式。 您可以使用的功能,通过改变设置。 特点:----幻灯片ganapati壁纸。 调整从顶部保证金。 调整幻灯片的速度, 更多