Centrally located at Montgomery Field (KMYF), Corporate Helicopters has been your premier helicopter service provider in Southern California since 1989! We provide a diversity of operations with quality service - every time. As an authorized Robinson dealer, we sell new Robinson helicopters at discounted prices. If it's pre-owned you're looking for take a look at our previously-owned helicopters which are inspected and impeccably maintained by our in-house maintenance crew. Beyond helicopter sales our specialized divisions fly celebrities, film crew, firefighters, television news reporters, vacationers, business executives, and critically ill patients across the U.S. and Mexico. We also have extensive film industry experience working with major titles, provide aerial coverage of major events such as the Super Bowl, and offer aerial photography. 位于市中心蒙哥马利球场(KMYF),公司的直升机已经在南加州最大的直升机服务提供商,自1989年以来!我们提供各种不同的业务提供优质的服务 - 每一次。 鲁宾逊授权的经销商处,我们以优惠的价格销售新罗宾逊直升机。如果是二手的,你要找来看看,在我们以前拥有的直升机,我们的内部维修人员进行检查和无可挑剔的。 除了直升机销售的专业化分工飞名人,剧组人员,消防队员,电视记者,度假,企业管理人员,并在美国和墨西哥的危重病人。我们也有广泛的大满贯冠军的电影业工作经验,提供空中覆盖的大型活动,如超级杯,并提供航空摄影。 更多