HR Grapevine magazine brings you the latest news and in depth features on HR strategy and talent management. The app brings you the latest talent news from around the world, everyday stories from FTSE 100 HR directors, book reviews, and advice on solving common HR problems. Additional supplements provide insights on specific areas of HR. Features: Full HR Grapevine editions – Read your automatically updated magazine by scrolling and swiping through individual or double page spreads. Download and Offline – Save whole editions and individual pages. Archive - Browse past editions of HR Grapevine in full HR Grapevine is our brand that we communicate with the Senior HR Community under. This includes content through our news website and our monthly magazine. It is also the brand that we run our HR Job Board under. Together these position HR Grapevine as a hub for the senior HR community and provides a solid platform for other organisations wishing to market to them. Our monthly magazine is distributed in print, electronically and via our iPhone app. This is the same for our industry guides which, ten months of the year, supplement the magazine by focusing on one specific topic relevant to HR professionals. These publications are also hosted online on HR Grapevine’s website which is updated daily with HR news about the largest global corporations. In addition to intelligent Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), readers are directed to the site through our presence on LinkedIn, Twitter and our numerous weekly newsletters, focusing on HR Management, Recruitment, Learning Benefits. 人力资源葡萄藤杂志为您带来最新的新闻,深入展示了人力资源战略和人才管理。 该应用程序为您带来来自世界各地的最新新闻人才,从英国富时100人力资源总监,书评和建议解决常见的人力资源问题的日常故事。额外的补充提供有关人力资源的具体领域的见解。 产品特点:完整的人力资源小道消息版本 - 通过滚动并通过个人或双页跨页刷卡读取您的自动更新的杂志。下载并离线 - 保存整个版本和单独的页面。存档 - 浏览人力资源部葡萄在完全过去版本 HR葡萄是我们的品牌,我们与在高级人力资源社会沟通。这包括通过我们的新闻网站和我们的月刊内容。这也是我们在运行我们的人力资源工作委员会的牌子。结合这些位置的HR葡萄作为资深人力资源社会的枢纽,并为希望市场给他们其他组织一个坚实的平台。我们的月刊分布在印刷,电子,并通过我们的iPhone应用程序。这是同我们的行业指引,十个月的一年,通过专注于相关的人力资源专业人士一个特定主题的补充杂志。这些出版物也可以在线托管在人力资源葡萄藤的网站,该网站提供有关全球最大的企业人力资源新闻每日更新。除了智能的搜索引擎优化(SEO),读者可以通过我们的存在在LinkedIn,Twitter和我们众多的每周时事通讯引导到该网站,专注于人力资源管理,招聘,培训及发展和薪酬福利。 更多