Spend more time on the road and less time trying to find them. Get Outta Town Detroit highlights the region's 6 best scenic road trips. If you're looking for the fastest way from point A to B, forget it. Our Get Outta Town series is all about finding the most scenic routes and the cool stops along the way. Our local scouts share their best-kept secrets with you. This map showcases such great attractions as Belle Isle Park and the Henry Ford Museum to the Canadian Club Distillery and the rollicking Motown Historical Museum Whether you’re hitting the road solo, traveling with friends or have the kids in tow, we've handpicked the best scenic road trip for your adventure. Get Outta Town Features:• Routes that average 100-300 miles and showcase must-see points-of-interest• Route Overview Map that lets you easily see where each route begins• Your Location Pointer in relation to the route/map (with location services enabled)• Turn-by-Turn directions• Navigation capability to Starting Point and Nearest Point on the route• Navigation capability to “Take Me There” for points-of-interest • Download data capability in case of Internet connection failure• Photo image and view gallery• Facebook interface to share a picture, your location and to comment Note: Separate log-in required.This app requires the user to Sign Up and create an account to access the library and obtain updates.Motor City? Motor to the countryside instead! 在路上花更多的时间和更少的时间试图找到他们。滚出去镇底特律突出地区的6个最好的景区公路旅行。 如果你正在寻找最快的方式从A点到B,算了吧。我们获取失控镇系列是所有关于寻找最优美的路线沿途站和凉爽。我们当地的侦察员与你分享他们的最好的秘密。 这张地图展示了贝尔岛公园和亨利福特博物馆等有着巨大的吸引力,加拿大俱乐部酒厂和欢快的摩城历史博物馆 无论你击中道路独奏,朋友一起出游,或让孩子们在拖,我们精心挑选了最好的景区道路为你的冒险之旅。 滚出去镇特色:•平均为100-300公里和展示的路线,必须看到利益点•路由概述地图,可以让你很容易地看到每条路线开始•您现在的位置指针有关路线/地图(启用位置服务)•转由转动方向•导航路线上的出发点和最近点的能力•导航能力“有我”的兴趣点•下载数据的能力在互联网连接失败的情况下•照片图像查看图库•Facebook接口,共享图片,您的位置,并评论 注:单独的日志需要。此应用程序需要用户注册并创建一个帐户来访问图书馆,并取得更新。汽车城?汽车下乡,而不是! 更多