Vidur Niti . In Both Hindi and English language .Vidur was an important figure in the Mahabharata, a major Hindu epic. He was half-brother to the kings Dhritarashtra and Pandu of Hastinapura, born the son of the sage Vyasa and a lady-in-waiting to the queens Ambika and Ambalika of the city. He is held to be a paragon of truth, dutifulness, impartial judgement and steadfast dharma. He is considered the embodiment of the inner consciousness of the Mahabharata.Vidura was very prudent, wise, polite, religious, well- mannered and devoted to the Lord Krishna.This Neeti, mainly on the science of politics, is narrated in the form of a conversation between him and King Dhritraashtra in the great epic Mahabharata.This Niti in Mahabharata by Mahatama Vidur contains gems of Ethical Values, which were not only relevant to king Dhritrastra, but still relevant for various segments of society for leading good conduct and moral values even in the modern times.更多