POOL SERVICE MANAGER™ app is an Android pool industry newsletter for pool route service technicians and managers. It brings you monthly news features in pool management, pool safety and the pool industry. Subscribers to Pool Service Manager also receives pool route management tools that improve efficiency and driving distances. The app will help you manage all your customers, log all service and repair calls, email reports to your customers, take and store photos of customer pool equipment and export logs to desktop computer. The app also has built-in pool calculators from the Saturation Index calculator to chemical dosing calculators to make sure you are adding the correct amounts on chemicals. POOL SERVICE MANAGER™应用程序是为池航线的技术人员和管理一个Android池业通讯。它带给你的池管理,泳池安全和泳池行业月度新闻功能。订户池服务管理器还接收池路由管理工具,提高工作效率和行车距离。该应用程序将帮助您管理您的所有客户,记录所有的服务和维修电话,给您的客户电子邮件报告,拍摄和储存照片的客户泳池设备,出口原木到台式电脑。 该应用程序还具有内置的饱和指数计算器,化学加药计算器池计算器,以确保您在添加化学品的正确用量。 更多