NOTICE: App only works with the LEAF hardware. The LEAF app is the official app for the Bellabeat LEAF health tracker. The app reads all the captured data from your LEAF device and translates it into useful data so you can improve specific aspects of your daily routine and shape up your health. The app is also famous for the most creative motivational notifications, so it’s quite fun to use it. ACTIVITY- Track your activity throughout the day and get useful insight into your routines- Track steps, used calories and walking distance SLEEP- Track and improve sleep- Identify the length of light and deep sleep modes you’re in- Track sleep quality (Learn more about the correlation between the quality and duration of your sleep, and the amount of movement you make during sleep) BREATHING- Take control over stress and reduce it with breathing exercises- Track your breathing in real-time- Track your performance in the breathing exercises- Choose between 9 breathing exercises (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)- Make use of the special exercise to reduce menstrual cramps (Menstrual discomfort exercises) ALARMS ALERTS- Set wake-up or contraception pill alarms- Inactivity alert will vibrate if you are inactive for some time (change sensitivity via Inactivity alert level) GOALS- Set you activity, sleep and breathing goals and achieve them with the help of the LEAF 注意:程序只适用于叶的硬件。 叶应用程序是为Bellabeat LEAF健康追踪器的官方应用程序。该应用程序从您的LEAF设备读取所有捕获的数据,并将其转换成有用的数据,因此可以提高你的日常工作的具体方面,塑造你的健康。该应用程序也是著名的最有创意的动机通知,所以这是非常有趣的使用它。 活动- 跟踪你的活动全天,获得有用的洞察你的例程- 跟踪步骤,所消耗的卡路里,步行距离 SLEEP- 跟踪和提高睡眠- 确定灯的长度和深度睡眠模式,你在- 轨道睡眠质量(详细了解你的睡眠过程中进行的质量和你的睡眠时间和运动的量之间的相关性) 呼吸- 以控制压力,减少其与呼吸练习- 跟踪你的呼吸实时- 跟踪的呼吸练习你的表现- 选择呼吸练习(初级,中级,高级)9间- 充分利用特殊的运动,以减少月经来潮(经期不适的练习) 报警和提示- 设置唤醒或避孕丸报警- 如果你是处于非活动状态一段时间不活动警报会震动(通过改变不活动的警戒级别灵敏度) GOALS- 设置你的活动,睡觉和呼吸的目标,并与叶的帮助下实现这些目标 更多