Hisroroid will allow you to save your call details and other info of your android phone to the web. Good way to track your kids. You can archive info below : - Incoming Outgoing Phone Calls- Incoming Outgoing SMSs - Web browsings and searches- Taken Photos, Downloaded Images- Contact List (Daily uploaded)- Sound record of first 2 minutes of your call (Note : some devices don't allow recording...), Note that only last 10 Megabytes of sound and 10 MB of photo will be always remained. Older ones will be deleted automatically. But this means almost last 45 minutes of your recording and last 450+ pictures will be allways accessible. All info is archived with its current location when available. More than one phone can be linked to one account. Application requires SMS and Phone call permission but we do not make anything to make you charged by making unwanted SMS or Phone calls. You can always stop being archived by uninstalling or disabling via app. Events can be queried both from app and web page = www.historoid.com Please let me know about problems and development opportunities of new possible features. We are still developing for new features. So we need your ideas too. Yildiray ELMACIelmaciy@hotmail.com Hisroroid将允许您保存您的通话信息和其他信息,你的android手机到网上。 好办法来跟踪你的孩子。 你可以归档信息如下: - 来电及拨出电话 - 传入和传出短信 - 的网络browsings和搜索 - 拍摄的照片,下载的图片 - 联系人列表(每日上传) - 声音记录(注:有些设备不允许录音...),第2分钟,您的通话 请注意,只有过去的10兆字节的声音和10 MB的照片将始终保持。年纪大一点的会被自动删除。但是,这意味着,几乎是最后45分钟的记录和最后450 +图片将八方访问。 其当前位置时,可用所有资料存档。 一个以上的手机可以连接到一个帐户。 应用程序需要短信和电话呼叫权限,但我们没有做任何事情让你收取不必要的短信或电话。 您可以随时停止被归档的应用程序卸载或禁用通过。 无论是从应用程序和Web页= www.historoid.com可以查询活动 请让我知道,新的可能的功能有关的问题和发展的机会。我们仍处于发展阶段的新功能。因此,我们需要你的想法。 伊尔迪雷ELMACI的elmaciy@hotmail.com 更多