Finally, a simple *free* app the allows you to read you favorite UK Sports news site(s). It allows you to cleanly read news stories, read comments, post comments, and listen to podcasts from Kentucky Sports Radio (KSR). Also, there are no ads, and I do not plan to add them at this time. I don't want ads when I use this app, so why would you? Questions? Bugs? Suggestions? E-mail me! 最后,一个简单的*免费*应用程序将允许你读,你最喜欢的英国体育新闻网站(S)。它可以让你清晰地看新闻,阅读评论,发表评论,并听取来自肯塔基大学体育广播(KSR)播客。 另外,还有一些没有广告,我不打算将其添加在这个时候。我不希望广告,当我使用这个应用程序,那么为什么你会吗? 有问题吗?错误?建议? E-mail给我! 更多