My Cross Church is the official app for Cross Church. Sermons, Photos, Videos are only a tap away. With easy integration with Facebook , Twitter, or by email, you can easily share the latest from Cross Church to your friends! • Stay up to date with the latest at Cross Church• Listen to sermons• Watch videos Make sure to send us your feedback to 我的十字教堂是十字教堂的官方应用程序。讲道,照片,影片在只有一个水龙头之遥。凭借与Facebook,Twitter或通过电子邮件轻松集成,可以轻松地共享从十字教堂的最新给你的朋友! •随时掌握最新的最新的十字教堂•听布道•观看视频 确保向我们提供您的反馈 更多