Introducing our new app for members of MetLife’s Advanced Benefit Club (ABC) in Greece! Features include: Make Doctor Appointments: Easily schedule appointments with local ABC doctors via SMS or email Find Nearby Hospitals and Pharmacies: Search for ABC or public hospitals, diagnostic centers and pharmacies First Aid Help: Learn what to do in the event of a medical emergency Product Information: Find out more about MetLife and its products and services 介绍我们的MetLife的高级福利俱乐部(ABC)在希腊的成员新的应用程序! 其特点包括: 让医生预约:轻松调度通过手机短信或电子邮件预约当地医生农行 查找附近的医院和药店:搜索农行或公立医院,诊断中心和药房 急救帮助:学会怎样做一个医疗紧急事件 产品信息:了解更多有关MetLife公司及其产品和服务 更多