Based on the classic battleship game, but allows you to place at any angle and target at any position. Start by placing your ships, either randomly or manually selecting and then tapping where you want them to go. Then take turns with the AI to try and hit each other's ships. First to kill all of the enemy's ships wins. Also includes a classic mode with a 10x10 grid and classic game rules. 基于经典战舰游戏,但允许您将在任何角度和任何位置的目标。首先,将你的船,无论是随机或手动选择,然后点击你希望他们去的地方。然后轮流用AI和打对方的船。首先杀死所有的敌人的船只胜。此外,还包括一个10x10的网格,经典的游戏规则的经典模式。更多