This app puts your phone on vibrate mode either for an amount of time, or until a certain time. For example, if you have a meeting that will last an hour, set Timed Silent for an hour, and at the end of the meeting your phone will unsilence your phone for you, so you won't miss a phone call! For students, if your class is over at 3:30 PM, just set the time, and your phone will unsilence itself at 3:30, so you don't forget! Never again will you miss a call, text, or email because you forgot to turn your phone's ringer back on. 这个应用程序将您的手机上的时间量,或在一定时间内振动模式。例如,如果你有一个会议,将持续一个小时,设置定时沉默了一个小时,并在会议结束时,您的手机将unsilence您的手机给你,所以你不会错过任何一个电话!对于学生来说,如果你的类是超过下午3:30,刚刚成立的时候,您的手机会在3:30 unsilence本身,这样你就不会忘记!您再也不会错过任何一个电话,文本或电子邮件,因为你忘了把您的手机铃声。 更多