Do you struggle with calculating your or your employee's exact mileage? Looking for an affordable way to track your personal or business expenses? Neat Receipt™ is Quickbooks compatible and Excel compatible. Record every receipt, and watermark the record. It's quick and easy! Lose those pesky receipts? Forget to keep your mileage log? Or are you just sick of wasting your valuable time (and brainpower) trying to organize and find this information? It's all automated now and works on your Smartphone with Neat Receipt™.Here's how it works:You are at the gas pump, you put your card in the slot, you pump gas, and then you just check yes on your app for a transaction receipt. BEFORE: Normally you would wad that receipt up or put it above the visor or in the glove box, center console, or in the door -- perhaps never to be found again. NO MORE!! NOW: Place the receipt on the seat, or dash of your car, open the Neat Receipt™ app, snap a clear legible image of the receipt and THROW THE RECEIPT AWAY! All the details of the transaction are recorded in a spreadsheet and WATERMARKED right on the image itself FOR A PERMANENT RECORD. By the way, when you need to or at regular intervals as you direct, send a complete report or a report sorted by category to your HR or Bookkeeper right from the APP. Oh! And you can also move the watermarked receipt, invoice, contract, order form, or other APP records to your Facebook page or other social networking landing page.Give the Lite version a try, in the Full Version, record your mileage with a click, export to Intuit Quickbooks or MS Excel. And you can conveniently send the recorded information from the app to your HR or accounts payable person in your office.We'd love your feedback how to make this killer app better, please give us a shout.更多