Stay Safe With These Diabetes TipsOne of the most important reasons that you should be doing everything you can to manage diabetes is because this disease can grow into other more serious ailments. For instance, diabetes can cause heart disease and even increase your odds of getting cancer. Use these tips to manage your diabetes.If you are battling illness, you should increase the frequency of your glucose readings. When your body is devoting its resources to fighting off infection, blood sugars can fluctuate in response to the physical and emotional stress that is often linked with sickness. Check glucose and urine ketone levels as often as six times daily during your illness.Remove contributors to the complications of diabetes. Try to avoid unhealthy habits that will affect your heart health and chances for stroke. Smoking should be stopped at all costs, maintain a healthy blood pressure through stress management and salt control and evaluate lifestyle choices that can have less than favorable results.If you have diabetes, be especially diligent about keeping your blood pressure and cholesterol under control. Diabetes can make your heart and blood vessels extremely vulnerable to illness. If diabetes and heart conditions team up, you are all but guaranteeing yourself a stroke or heart attack. Staying healthy means incorporating exercise and nutritious food choices into your daily life.A good tip that can help you manage your diabetes is to never forget to check your blood sugar. You should check your blood sugar every single day to make sure it never gets too high or too low.100% free app!. Download Now!更多