If you are traveling to Saint Petersburg,the cultural capital of Russia, TripTern's Saint Petersburg City Guide is your one stop travel companion.TripTern is an automatic personalized trip planner. Travelers just have to number of days and hotel and it prepares the most optimal itinerary on the fly. It considers transit time, opening and closing hours of places while preparing itinerary.Some of the features of TripTern appa. Detailed and Comprehensive City Guideb. Curated information about shopping centers, restaurants and hotels available.c. Prepare your own multiple day itinerary in just a few clicks.d. Add/remove place to further customize your itinerary.e. Save your itinerary for future reference.f. Map based view of itineraries helps in navigating the city.Apart from that, visit http://triptern.com/city/guide to explore 100+ cities in the world and also browse your friends' trips prepared from their check-ins and albums on different social networks.TripTern uses data collected from a number of sources available on the web such as Wikipedia, Wikitravel, Openstreetmap, DMoz etc to provide you updated correct information.更多