Nygfutam Vt! A feladat: a lehető legrbbit se vesd meg! A hl. Nagyon figyelj, mert az utat akadtik: • ha a di• a kl• amivel a legbb. Ne feledd: a gyorsasr! Hg Te mit mondant? Kl. Minbb pontot kapsz! Van hn. A legutolsr felezheted is a pontjaidat. Eredmnunk! Kerti Rode A Kerti Rodekedet teszteli. A c helyen. Segt! A feladat, hogy megtals Jang meg tud kapaszkodni. A j elszabadul. Vajon meddig bbb pontot kapsz. Summer Heat Running Choose either Jin or Jang and help him to gather their scattered food in the summer heat. The task: to reach the carrot basket at the end of the field in the fastest possible way and meanwhile collecting as many yummy bites for the hamsters as you just can. You get points for each gathered vegetable, you obviously get the most points for carrots, but do not reject any of the others either! Once the hamster has fled the terrarium, you can control him with the joystick in the bottom left corner. Watch out as there are obstacles to hinder your way: - if he touches the walnut or slips on the melted ice-cream you lose points; - you must approach the air conditioner with care, because every cold breeze that reaches Jin or Jang costs you points; - you must be really careful with the strong sunlight, if the hamster gets a heat stroke you lose a life. The conquering hamster What would you say to the cute girl to conquer her heart if you were Jin or Jang? You have two choices: both of the answers are correct, but the girl is moody and maybe she doesn’t like what you say to her. The more she is satisfied with your answer, the more points you get. You have three roses too. You can put one or more roses next to your answer, you can use them freely, and increase your score with them, or decrease if the girl becomes disappointed because of your answer. In the final round, you will have an engagement ring too. Choose wise since you can double your score but you may lose the half of it. We wish you a successful conquer. Keywords: hgolimpia, game, auchan, jin, jang, horcsog, horcsogolimpia 更多