Beautiful Wallpapers for your Android! Change your wallpaper to a Facebook photo easily!Set your phone's wallpaper to a brand new photo from our app! Choose your own photos from your phone's gallery and set them as wallpapers. Or maybe you want to have a wallpaper from your Facebook photo?In Beautiful Wallpapers you can have it all. For FREE!Beautiful Wallpapers is a free app that makes it super easy to change your phone's wallpaper to a HD photo from our High Definition Wallpaper Packs, that are divided into categories for easy navigation. Now it's a breeze to change your wallpaper to a photo from your phone's gallery or from your Facebook album - do it with one click of a button!You seem tempted, c'mon, give it a try!Find your dream wallpaper in one of the following built in categories: Abstract, CGI - Computer Generated Graphics, Dark, Landscape, Nature, Food, Photography, Seasonal, Technology, Vehicles. Or download one of our additional Wallpaper Packs: Animals, Wonders of Nature, Sky and Clouds.更多