Group Travel Finder is aimed at the Group Travel Industry, such as those planning or undertaking coach trips. The app contains all the latest parking information, a tour guide to popular destinations, details of group friendly attractions, where to eat and stay, plus loads of other useful information to group travel organisers. GTF Midlands covers the West Midlands - Birmingham, Stratford upon Avon, Warwick, plus the East Midlands, Nottingham, Derby, Peak District and Lincoln. 团体旅游搜索的目的是在团体旅游行业,如规划或从事教练人次。该应用程序包含了所有最新的停车信息,热门的目的地,导游组的景点,在那里吃,留下来,加上其他有用的信息,团体旅游组织者的负荷。 GTF中部地区包括西米德兰(West Midlands) - 伯明翰,在雅芳斯特拉特福,沃里克,加上东中部地区,诺丁汉,德比山顶区和林肯。 更多