Discover the simplicity of the white and light blue! Blue Ocean launcher theme so neat! More themes are available from iThemeshop!Japanese version themes are available from iDeco. ------------------------------------[ theme How to Use] Blue Ocean theme down after receiving More themes - more variety - those who wishDecorating phone No.1 I'll see you at!And rockers, keypad, icon pack could be reached with full set package :-) Theme copyright]All of the themes and unauthorized distribution of copyrighted iThemeshop and theft,Similar replication, and may be punished legally. - Producer: iThemeshop- Service Company: iconnect ------------------------------------ 探索简单的白色和淡蓝色! 蓝海启动主题太整齐了! 更多的主题是可从iThemeshop!日文版的主题是可从IDECO。 ------------------------------------[“iThemeshop”的主题,如何使用] 接收下来后,蓝海主题 更多主题 - 多品种 - 那些希望装饰电话一号“iThemeshop”我会看到你!和摇杆,按键,图标包可以达到与全套包:-) 主题著作权]所有主题和未经授权分发的版权iThemeshop和盗窃,类似的复制,并可能被依法处罚。 - 生产商:iThemeshop- 服务公司:ICONNECT ------------------------------------ 更多