This is a beautiful high quality live wallpaper of Shri Krishna. It features Lord Krishna with Flute, Radha and his cow with shower of animated flowers, flutes and diyas. Krishna was born on the day, which was the 8th phase of the moon (Ashtami) and Janma means “birth”, the day when He was born is called Janamashtami. Krishna’s birthday is called by different names such as Janmashtami, Sri Krishna Jayanthi, Gokulashtami and the likes, since Krishna was born on the 8th day of the increasing phase of the moon, which in the Indian Calendar System is called Ashtami. The word Ashtami is etymologically similar to Octa in Greek, from which comes the word ‘eight’ in English. As Krishna’s birth was celebrated first in Gokul, Vrindavan, the day is also called Gokulashtami. The word Gokula means, “place of cows”, Go meaning “cow”, and Kul meaning “lineage”. Gokula is the place of the lineage of people who nurtured cows. Even though Krishna was born in Mathura, His father was in chains along with His mother in prison, where they could not celebrate His birth. They sent him away to safer place, away from His maternal uncle, the vile Kamsa. So, His birth was first celebrated in Gokula, Vrindavan and this day is also called Gokulashtami. Krishna’s birthday is also called Sri Krishna Jayanthi.Why is it called a Jayanthi? Some aspects in astronomy continue to remain mysteries. Ancient Indian astronomers seem to have fixed certain nomenclature for certain configurations, besides the names of the stars. Features: 1. High Quality Live wallpaper optimized to save battery. 2. You can hide or unhide moving items, only background will be visible. 3. You can interact with moving items just touch to interact with them. 4. You can choose direction of moving items. 5. You can select speed of moving objects. 6. You can enable or disable interaction with moving objects. 7. You can also enable or disable hit counter in the background. Please note free apps may contain ad which may support us to generate more free live wallpapers and applications for you. Thank you. 这就是主奎师那的美丽的高品质的动态壁纸。设有主奎师那与长笛,拉妲和他的牛与动画的花,长笛和diyas的淋浴。 克里希纳诞生之日,这是月亮(Ashtami)的第8阶段,Janma意思是“诞生”,当他出生被称为Janamashtami的一天。奎师那的生日被称为不同的名称,如Janmashtami,奎师那Jayanthi,Gokulashtami和喜欢,因为奎师那出生在月球上的增长期,这在印度日历系统被称为Ashtami的第8天。这个词Ashtami词源上是相似的八溴希腊,从来自英文单词“八”。 由于奎师那的诞生是在戈库尔,温达文先庆祝,这一天也被称为Gokulashtami。这个词库拉表示,“地方的奶牛”,进入意为“牛”,而库尔意思是“血统”。库拉是人谁培育的奶牛谱系的地方。即使克里希纳出生在马图拉,他的父亲是在伴随着他在监狱里,在那里他们可以不庆祝他的亲生母亲链。他们送他去到更安全的地方,远离他的舅舅,卑鄙康萨。所以,他的诞生最早是在高库拉,温达文庆祝这一天也被称为Gokulashtami。 奎师那的生日也叫奎师那Jayanthi。为什么叫Jayanthi?在天文学某些方面继续保持奥秘。古代印度天文学家似乎已经固定的某些术语的某些配置,除了明星的名字。 产品特点: 1,高品质的动态壁纸优化,以节省电池。 2,您可以隐藏或显示移动的物品,只有背景是可见的。 3,你可以用移动的项目刚刚接触与他们进行互动交流。 4,你可以选择运动项目的方向。 5,您可以选择运动物体的速度。 6,您可以启用或禁用与移动物体的相互作用。 7,您还可以启用或禁用背景的计数器。 请注意,免费的应用程序可能包含广告可以支持我们产生更多的免费动态壁纸和应用程序为您服务。谢谢。 更多