How Do You Get a Lift with a Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?I get this question asked often, “How do I get a lift in the Brazilian Butt Lift?”. The patient will then push her own buttock up to help me understand what she wants. They ask me, “Can you do it?” I have answered this so often, it is time to write about it here on this app.The Brazilian Butt Lift is a type of Butt Augmentation performed with your own Fat injections. As a matter of fact, in this procedure the butt is physically lifted very little, if at all. But after a Brazilian Butt Lift, the buttock definitely looks perky, and definitely looks lifted!How does this happen?It’s all about how the eye perceives shapes. When you look at the back of a typical woman what you think is the butt is really a combination of two separate fat pockets:1) the buttock itself, and sitting right above it is 2) the flank, or “muffin top” fat pocket.The combination of the two fat volumes creates a visual unit. It is longer than it is wide so the butt appears to be droopy or sagging. From the side it appears there is no shelf but a long slope that makes the buttock look like it is hanging. If you eliminate that extra fat pocket above the buttock there are a lot of perception changes that result.The Brazilian Butt Lift works so well because by eliminating the fat above the buttock it creates a shelf. By just adding a little fat at the buttock there is a radical change in the slope from her lower back to shelf.更多