This application controls LED signs for the Hudson and Dunkin' Doughnuts stores in the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport. It can be used to create scene files that can be saved on the Android device offline or while connected to the sign. The saved scene files can then be selected and sent to the sign and run when connected to the sign via Wi-Fi. The sign will run the last sent file until another scene file is sent to the sign. You can also load and edit files that have been saved on the Android device and re-save them. You can also load the scene file the sign is currently running, edit it, and send it back to the sign.NOTE: You must have a username and password to operate the sign controller.This is a custom designed application for the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport. If you like this app and would like a similar one for your use, look forward to the universal usLEDsupply DMX controller and Android Application being released in the future! Also, if you would like a similar custom application developed for your use, contact us at更多