Multi award winning documentaries from Ireland. With almost 1,500 documentaries on offer, this is the largest archive of documentaries available worldwide. The productions are radio stories about real life and contain productions dating as far back as 1954 up to the present day. A wealth of life, ideas, experiences, events and perspectives is on offer - but most importantly - stories. 屡获爱尔兰获奖纪录片。随着报价近1500部纪录片,这是全球范围内可用纪录片的最大档案。该作品是关于现实生活中的故事,电台和遏制生产日期可以追溯到1954年到现在的一天。丰富的生活,思想,经验,事件和观点是对的报价 - 但最重要的是 - 故事。 更多