Get Bastille lyrics and trivia with this app.If you are a Bastille fan, install this free app with all the lyrics of your favorite group.All the lyrics of their albums are in this app for your Android phone or tablet. Check them out while listening to their music. Take it wherever you go. You don't have to access the internet to get the lyrics. Check out not just the lyrics to Bastille's songs - you also get trivia on them and their pictures. In the Albums tab, you can choose lyrics based on the album. In Lyrics tab, all of Bastille's lyrics are here. You can quickly search the lyrics by using the search bar at the top of the page. In the Trivia tab, enjoy trivia on One Direction along with their pictures.Join in to my Facebook group: and check out more of my apps on Google Play.I hope you enjoy referring to this application on your Android phone and Android tablet.If you have questions about any functionality or any applications errors, do send email to and I will fix it straight-away. Most of my apps are initiated due to requests from music fans. Please refrain from flaming on google play - I usually respond quickly to reasonable requests.You will see periodic ads in the application. The download is free so this is the way we monetize the app.All copyrights belong to their respective owners. This app is meant for entertainment purpose only.Features:-- List of albums with associated lyrics- Lyrics view with all songs - Trivia tab with pictures更多