Pro Battery Monitor is the simplest and easiest way to keep your Android phone working well when you need it and protect against poor charging battery hogging apps and overlooked device settings that shorten your battery life. Find out what’s draining your power. Adjust your draining settings (e.g. brightness) and disable unnecessary apps that drain your battery. Accurately Estimates Remaining Battery Time. Tells how long battery will last under a variety of situations (playing games wifi on or off etc) Professional Pro Battery Monitor regulates the manner in which your device is charged with a Unique 3 Stage Charging system to ensure you get the most out of your battery and reminds you not to over charge. It also has features that can monitor and regulate power consumption Pro Battery Monitor the professional power manager is the best battery saving app which is capable of extending your battery life. Main features of this battery plus include power saving mode smart saving toggle control power testing etc. Never worry about finding a charger in the middle of the day again!• Devie Current in mAH• Health Condition of Device• Temperature in Celsius(C)• Voltage in mV• Plugged via USB or wall mount charger• Show Status if Charging or not charging• Kill Tasks any time to boost memory and a battery Life.更多