LWP Day and Night Live WallpaperThis is most popular day night live wallpaper Lwp App with high quality day night scenery of HD resources. Daynight free live wallpapers offer you to set a wallpaper for each time of the day automatically. Now you will get four wallpapers in a single day!Enjoy High Quality HD images of live wallpapers Lwp on your Android Phone home screen or lock screen for free. Give your Android device a fashionable look. Bring the skyline of one of the world's great natures on your home screen. This view of nature transforms from day to night depending on the local sunset and sunrise times.Features of LWP Day and Night Live Wallpaper:* Enable/ Disable automatic interchangeable background.* Sunrise/Sunset based on actual position when the sun will set and rise, and sets the wallpaper accordingly.* You can also turn off the time of sunrise/sunset and set the times manually.* It contains four amazingly beautiful default wallpapers for day, afternoon, evening and night.* App With Great animation background.* Less power utilisation than any static wallpapers.* Free: This day and night wall paper lwp dis absolutely free for you.A fantastic day/night pictures on your homescreen or lockscreen! Select a fixed time of day, or let the sun and moon rise and set according to real world around you.You can show off in front of your friends that you have a newly developed scenery wallpaper live. This would be the coolest wall papers app you have ever seen. This live wall paper do have wonderful animation. This also ensures that this wallpaper do not consume more power than any other wallpapers. This is very simple and easy to use live wallpaper, you can set the day (sunrise), night (sunset), noon and evening timings or you can do enable/ disable automatic time. This free cool app is a beautiful live wallpaper featuring gentle images of sun, moon, birds that will make you day perfect and delightful.Moving objects and streaks from the traffic enhance this beautiful long-exposure image of a city from sunrise to sunset.So why wait! Just download locker screen.What’s more this cool live wallpaper application comes to you for FREE!Low battery consumption,no lag,free,simple but beautiful live wallpaper apk.更多