Now you can illuminate with your camera flash or with the whole screen of your device. Flag of Sri Lanka Version 2.0- The screen remains on Version 1.6- Minor bugs corrected Version 1.4- Corrected bug for Android devices with API 13 Version 1.3- Added slider to control screen brightness Version 1.2- Added the screen lantern Version 1.1- Small icons to provide small application- Saves the state of the lantern for next execution 现在,你可以照亮你的相机闪光灯或您的设备与整个屏幕。 斯里兰卡国旗 2.0版- 屏幕上仍然 版本1.6- 小错误纠正 版本1.4- 修正错误的Android设备与API 13 1.3版- 增加屏幕亮度滑块来控制 1.2版- 新增屏幕灯笼 1.1版- 提供的小型应用程序的小图标- 保存状态下执行的灯笼 更多