Welcome to the Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE) 2013 Conference and Showcase Mobile Application, a simple, convenient way to gain access to session schedules and content, speaker bios, attendee and exhibitor lists, venue maps, interactive showcase floor plan, session handouts and so much more. Once registered, search and connect with attendees using the easy-to-use in-app messaging system. Select the sessions you want to attend ahead of time and create your personalized schedule for each day of the Conference or simply view takes place in Winnipeg, Manitoba from Wednesday, September 18 to Friday, September 20, 2013. Available: Apple iOS, Android, Blackberry (requires SD card), and iPad.Sponsored by The Allstream Centre 欢迎来到加拿大协会高级主管学会(CSAE)2013大会展示移动应用程序,简单,方便的方式来获得访问,扬声器BIOS会话时间表和内容,与会者和参展商名单,场馆地图,互动展示平面图,会话讲义和这么多。一旦注册成功,与会者使用易于使用的应用程序消息传递系统搜索并连接。选择你想参加提前创建您的个性化的每一天的会议日程安排的会议,或简单地查看“什么”的所有程序的细节。 “协会的年度盛会”发生在温尼伯,马尼托巴省从9月18日(星期三)至周五,2013年9月20日。 可供选择:苹果的iOS,Android,黑莓(SD卡),iPad兼容。由的Allstream中心的赞助 更多