*New*: support for HD and Full HD devices! Memory and performance optimizations. Now tested on Android 4.4 KitKat! Get an appetizer of the incoming Nexus 5 experience with this live wallpaper, inspired by the pre-release screenshot and video leaks. Obligatory 3D effect included! Note: this is a live wallpaper only, it will *not* modify your status bar or launcher. No permissions required, no ads whatsoever. Enjoy! *新*:支持高清和全高清设备!内存和性能优化。现在在Android 4.4奇巧测试! 获取传入的Nexus 5的经验与此居住的壁纸,灵感来自于发行前的截图和视频泄漏开胃。包括强制性3D“深愿景”的效果! 注:这是一个活的壁纸,将*不*修改状态栏或发射。没有所需的权限,没有任何形式的广告。享受! 更多