The Salus - Fitness Calculator is a free app to help you to get the best results from your diet and workout routine by giving you orientations about your body measure and how to get a life with more health.By using the Salus - Fitness Calculator you'll get in hands an easily way to make a healthy diet by calculating your daily nutrients needs according to your workout level and lifestyle. Furthermore, you'll learn how to take your body measures yourself, make useful calculations for your workout routine and get a real estimative about your monthly muscular growth.With these calculators for gym users, you will adjust your diet for your workout routine using the main health calculators known, furthermore you will measure your workout and diet results by using the BMI and Body Fat calculators.The Salus - Fitness Calculator has 3 main calculators for orientation and body measure for a diet and workout with more health:BMI Calculator - The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a global measure used for calculate the ideal people weight. By the BMI calculator you can know if you're at your ideal weight or out of the recommended weight for your height and health.Daily Calories Needs Calculator - You will get orientations about how to make an adequate diet for your muscular and physical conditioning by calculating your daily nutrients and calories needs for maintain or gain weight and get better results on your diet and workout routine. Furthermore, you will estimate your monthly muscular growth according your workout routine and intensity. Body Fat Calculator – You will calculate your body fat and your lean mass percentage only by using a measure-tape. This calculator will give you all the orientations you need to you take your body measures yourself and find your physical conditioning. So you'll adequate your diet and workout routine to obtain better results and a life with more health.With an adequate workout, a healthy diet and the Salus - Fitness Calculator orientations, you'll be on the right way to get the best physical conditioning as possible and maximize your health.Download this free app and get a fitness body and more health for your life soon.更多