The biggest question arises with the development of bit coin is, 'Weather one should use it or not'. 'What are the risks in using bit coins'. This app will help you with the best answers -of these questions.When you get your involved a few Bit coins, you have to store them in an online wallet through a workstation program or an alternate party site. You come to be part of the Bit coin system once you make your virtual wallet. To send Bit coins to an alternate client or pay for online buys, get that person/seller's distinguishing proof number and exchange Bit coins on the web. Transforming takes in the vicinity of a couple of minutes to a hour, as Bit coin mineworkers over the globe check the transaction.Key ingredients of this app are:*Be on safer side while using bit-coin real time.*Keep monitoring your bit-coin wallet.*Best ideas to use the bit-coins.Click here to get it free now!!!