Emmozhi is an Android tamil keyboard application, which overwrites the default keyword. It enables to type in Tamil. With Emmozhi keyboard you can type texts in tamil, the text is converted in to Unicode, so the typed text can be read in all the devices.Emmozhi has total three types of keyboards inbuilts, the can switch between each keywords easily. The user can type in Tamil, use phonetics to change in to tamil and emmozhi also has feature to type in sankrit to tamil.FAQ1. What is Emmozhi?Emmozhi is an Android tamil keyboard application, which overwrites the default keyword. It enables to type in Tamil. With Emmozhi keyboard you can type texts in tamil, the text is converted in to Unicode, so the typed text can be read in all the devices.2. How the user can change the keyboard to Emmozhi?To change the default keyboard to Emmozhi, goto settings – Language Keyboard- keyboard settings in this click checkbox of Emmozhi and press OK button. 3. What are the types of Emmozhi keypads?Emmozhi has total three types of keypads inbuilts. They areTamil keypadSanskrit Tamil keypadEnglish to Tamil keypad4. What is meant by English to Tamil Keypad?English to Tamil keypad means user type the characters in normal English but it automatically changed to Tamil.5. How it works?Emmozhi working has been completely showned in how it works tab.6. What are the features of Emmozhi?Emmozhi has lots of features. They are showned in Features tab.7. Is it support for all mobile?Yes, This application is supported for all devices because we used unicode for every characters so that the message sent by this keyboard can be read by all the devices. 8. Is it bug free?Yes, Emmozhi is a bug free android application.更多