This Self Coaching Guide shows how we can forgive and free our hearts from emotional baggage, providing the necessary practical knowhow as well as three powerful feeling exercises.For whom is this manual written? You can use this manual if you want to reconcile and continue a relationship, as well as to liberate yourself from charged emotions of past relationships. Forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation or re-establishing a relationship. But it is still a prerequisite for sustainable reconciliation.Keep in mind that…You can forgive without- Having to reconcile. - Condoning the action.- Putting yourself in a position to be harmed again.- Having to suppress your feelings.Why practice forgiveness?It's simple: How long do want to poison yourself emotionally? Not forgiving creates an emotional prison. It ties you to a person or an event when usually you would rather forget (but) you are unable to. If you forgive, you free yourself from the emotional weight of the pain.Why do I need feeling exercises in addition to the practical knowhow?Is Positive Thinking not enough to dispose of my sense of resentment? Experience shows that thinking positively cannot be straightforward. Often we are overcome by internal resistance, skepticism or negative feelings.• The purpose of this App is to help you by taking you through a simple step-by-step process of letting go of resentment.• Quick, effective, and easy-to-use techniques including "Feel your Feelings" and "Give Permission".• Forgiveness simply makes us happier, especially when we forgive someone to whom we feel close.• It improves relationships, whether it's family, romantic, or professional. Forgiveness boosts kindness and connectedness.更多