Easily keep track of what your phone is doing.Event Logger will keep track of the following events:☑ WiFi Enabled/Disabled☑ WiFi Connected/Disconnected☑ Bluetooth Enabled/Disabled☑ GPS Enabled/Disabled☑ Power Connected/Disconnected☑ Orientation Changed☑ Locale Changed☑ Screen On/Off☑ Screen Unlocked☑ SMS Received☑ App Started☑ Call Events(Incoming/Outgoing)☑ Headphones Plugged/Unplugged☑ Media Scanner Started/Stopped☑ Phone Booted☑ Phone Shutting Down/Restarting☑ User Changed Time/Date/Timezone☑ Airplane Mode On/Off☑ Battery Level Ok/Low☑ Wallpaper Changed☑ Volume ChangedEvents that works only with exposed framework:☑ Media Play/PauseEvents to be added in future releases:☐ HDMI Plugged/Unplugged☐ NFC On/Off☐ Service Started/Stopped☐ Mobile Network On/Off☐ SD Card Removed/Inserted/Mounted/UnmountedPERMISSIONS:• ACCESS_WIFI_STATE - to determine if wifi is on/off• ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - determine connectivity change (connected/disconnected)• BLUETOOTH - determine bluetooth state (on/off)• BLUETOOTH_ADMIN - determine bluetooth state (on/off)• RECEIVE_SMS - intercept incoming sms(only phone number is stored)• READ_PHONE_STATE - detect incoming calls• PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS - detect outgoing calls• INTERNET - used for ads and sending crash reports• RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - detect that phone has booted up• ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - detect GPS state (on/off)• GET_TASKS - get running applications on a device• RESTART_EVENT_SERVICE - internal permission, used to restart service when killed by sistem