IMPORTANT NOTES: This application will not operate without the necessary back-end software. While the beta test is restricted to a closed user group, please feel free to contact us if you are interested in the product or release date. Make sure you read and agree to the disclaimer prior to downloading the app.In a nutshell-------------Mobile User-ID enables customers of Palo Alto Networks to securely connect their Android users to the corporate network if their devices meet a given security compliance policy. User-ID works by identifying a user based on his/her phone number or any device identifier, such as IMSI, IMEI or SIM serial number which is either stored in a MS Active Directory, any other LDAP server or a local list. Once a user has been assigned to a compliant device, the firewall allows access to that user by means of Palo Alto's User-ID Agent using its XML API. Features of Beta1------------------ Identify users based on phone number, imsi, imei or sim card serial number- Leverages MS Active-Directory, any other LDAP server or a local list to assign a user to a device- Compliance: Detect and block rooted devices- Compliance: White- or blacklisting of apps- Compliance: Detect and prohibit SIM card changes- Compliance: White- or blacklisting of sim serial number, IMSI, IMEI, device model, operating system (version), provider (MNC, MCC), country (MCC) or client version- Runs as a background process which checks and connects periodically (optimized for low battery consumption) in Android 2.3 or higher- Communication attempts to the backend server can be limited to occur only when connected to certain wireless networks specified in the policy (SSIDs)- Optional notification when connected, invisible to users- Provision user either with the device's WLAN ip address or the ip address seen by the backend server (in case of NAT)- Device data sent to backend server is encrypted (AES)Requirements------------- Backend Server (APServer 1.0 or higher)- PAN Firewall running Panos 4.X or 5.X- User-ID Agent with open XML API- Handhelds running Android 2.2 or higherDisclaimer----------1. Note that this app is not officially supported by Palo Alto Networks. 2. The term User-ID is used by Palo Alto Networks. This app refers to its technology.3. This app should be seen as a proof-of-concept in order to make a firewall aware of Android users. While Palo Alto products were used for the sake of its simple API, the software (both, app and backend server) is vendor-independent and could be used with other products as well.更多