NO Ads no Payments Totally Free!This app allows you to see real time gold spawn, waves & CS based on your desired performance.We calculate target CS based on the percent, but we make an algorithm to calculate a Statistically based gold for your desired performance. Time up your jungle main monsters by tapping them to slain ( you get gold and reset the timers) or just reset the timers for the most important ones.If you manage to gank a lane and kill an enemy champion, just tap the kills button to add that gold to your pool, everything is tracked.This app manages the maximum gold you should have in case you performed good. Suggestion of use:Keep your mobile next to you while playing, and just tap when you perform a jungle kill, so the app will add up the gold you got. Just look at the CS score to see if you're at your target, or slide the bar for setting up a better fit for your current game. You can vary the percent at any stage, in case you want to target just a 50% at some point of the game you can set it up by just scrolling the bar.The app is targeted for League of Legends right now but we might add new MOBA games as we see progress and suggestions.Please rate and leave us feedback to know where to improve.League of Legends and all related copyrights are property of Riot Games, This is a fan made app to help you with the game. We don't intent any other purpose than providing fans with a cool tool as other websites do.