Monthly payments for a car loan can cause long-term harm to your family budget. Its contrast is accumulation, but it in turn dangerously increased risks also is psychologically uncomfortable. This appendix will show you balance between an overpayment on percent and economy during accumulation. It will help you easily and quickly to make a choice between car loan and savings - on the basis of accurate figures, but not emotions.FEATURES AT A GLANCE✓ Full visualization of the plan to paying off the debt,✓ Clear comparison of the credit and accumulation,✓ Inclusion of all loan comissions,✓ Inclusion of additional spendings on fueling, insurance and winter tires,✓ Calculation of an overpayment and effective rate for the credit,✓ Schedule of the expected changes of your balance in the future,✓ Detailed plan of payments with the expected changes of balance by dates,✓ Support for early repayment of the loan.ANSWERS THESE QUESTIONS- When will I purchase a car without a risk - tomorrow or in the next year?- How should I go about buying a car - get a loan or save money?- How long will it take you to save up for a car?This is like your personal financial advisor.THIS IS THE FREE VERSION WITH THE MAIN FUNCTIONSIt allows you to:- enter a loan term of 1 or 2 years,- specify expenses on fueling, insurance and tires,- adjust recurrence for any expense or income: weekly, monthly, yearly, etc,- the free version has ads.更多