IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ BEFORE INSTALLING: This app is obsolete and is provided for historical purposes only. It was created before Android had native support for Persian input. A newer Persian keyboard layout is already included in the Google Keyboard. Look under . Before installing, check to see whether the Google Keyboard is already installed on your device. If not, try this: To switch keyboards on older versions of Android, long-press (hold down) the edit field. --- original description follows --- Persian (Farsi, فارسی) soft keyboard. To configure, go to the . Long-press for additional keys. This project is open sourced. Source code: 重要!安装之前请参阅:这个程序是过时,只用于提供历史的目的。之前的Android有波斯输入的原生支持创建。一个较新的波斯语键盘布局已包含在谷歌键盘。先看下“语言和输入”“设置”下。 在安装之前,请检查是否谷歌键盘的设备上已安装。如果没有,试试这个: 要打开旧版本的Android键盘,长按(按住)编辑字段。 ---原来说明如下--- 波斯(波斯语فارسی)软键盘。 要配置,进入“语言和键盘”菜单中的“设置”下。长按额外的按键。 该项目是开源。源代码: 更多