This compass application is designed to help kids of all ages to orient themselves and understand cardinal directions. Finding North, South, East or West is a breeze with the integrated augment reality compass, just find the horizon line from your back facing camera and everything will make sense. Two conventional compasses are there as well, the classical compass and the marine compass to reinforce the idea and help the child understand how directions work. On top you will find a mini game with a cute little owl character that will guide and entertain the child while collecting stars by facing the requested random direction. Pocopico Games is a small, very small studio that believes learning via play is the best way for children to learn. I will be happy to hear from you at the following Its a Pocopico Game♥ 这个指南针应用程序,旨在帮助孩子们所有年龄段的将自己定位并了解基本方向。寻找北,南,东或西与集成的增强现实指南针是一件轻而易举的事,只是觉得从你的背部摄像头的天际线,一切才有意义。有两个传统的罗盘以及古典指南针和航海罗盘强化的想法,帮助孩子明白方向是如何工作的。 在顶部,你会发现一个可爱的小猫头鹰字符“梅利”的迷你游戏,将引导和娱乐的孩子面临的请求的随机方向,同时收集星星。 Pocopico游戏是一个小的,非常小的工作室,相信通过发挥学习是儿童学习的最佳途径。在下面的地址,我会很高兴收到你的来信 它是一种Pocopico的游戏♥ 更多