----------------Surgical------------------ PLEASE ENTER THE MEMBERSHIP NO: ---> EX : AAI/A000684/0107/E TAKE THE PHOTO OF ORIGINAL BILLS & PRESCRIPTION WITH RUBBER SEAL & SEND CONFIRMATION SMS WILL BE SEND.(APPROVED OR REJECTED, WITH REASON)1. CORRECT MEMBERSHIP NUMBER & THE NAME OF PATIENT SHOULD BE CLEARLY MENTIONED.2. PHOTOGRAPH OF ORIGINAL BILLS,PRESCRIPTION & PHARMACY DRUGS BILLS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH FULL CLEAR IMAGE. 3. CLAIMS TO BE SUBMITTED WITHIN THE INTIMATION PERIOD AGREED WITH THE INSURED.4. PRESCRIPTION SHOULD BE ALONG WITH THE DATE & DOCTOR SEAL.5. ALL OTHER TERMS & CONDITIONS SUBJECT TO EXISTING POLICY COVERAGE. ---------MOTOR --------TERMS & CONDITIONSCriteria to be minor claims, during 7am to 6pm excluding hit and run and malicious cases, call centre agent also to have the option of activating snap to claim if a assessor is not available to do on site even if it dosen't fall into the above criteriaSnap to claim needed photographs mentioned below Photo's of own damages of the insured vehicle including the number plate Photo's of third party vehicle damages including the number plate 3rd party property damages Accident location including surrounding buildings Customers driving license / Customer insurance card Debris of the accident. Face of the insured and 3rd party driver